Sometimes I wish It was still the 70s. Not that I was ever actually there but sometimes I really wish I was! You know in that 70s show, they always go to cool rock concerts and Hyde owns a record store. It looks like so much fun I wish I could be in that show and meet Alice Cooper or Ted Nugent. I know that a lot of it is just a show but I wish I could have been there with record stores and amazing bands touring around. In the 70s there were so many good bands.
I know a lot of rock n roll bands still do shows and I love them, but I don't think 60 year old men can ever put on quite as good of a concert as they did when they were 20. I don't think they are all bad now that they are older, just not quite as good live, because even if they practice all the time there voices will be strained from all those years of singing (that's why singers like Paul Stanley are getting vocal cord surgery), and even if they work out every day they cant jump around the stage and do flips the way they could. I guess that what I am saying is, I really would have loved to see my favorite bands in their prime!
Jon Bon Jovi is 50, Paul Stanley is 60, Steven Tyler recently turned 64, Gene Simmons is about the same age as him, Mick Jagger and the rest of the Rolling Stones are in their 70's and they are all still touring, and making new albums. I love them all and want to hear more of them and hopefully see them all in concert, but sometimes I wonder when they are going to quit? They definitely aren't as young as they were, and once you get into your 70s I wouldn't be surprised if one of them broke a hip jumping around on stage the way they do. Some artists like Gene Simmons are starting to have serious problems with their heart and as I mentioned earlier Paul had to have surgery for his voice. Steven Tyler is having surgeries to fix his feet from all the years of jumping around on them. They are not all in the best shape.

Ozzy Osbourne Steven Tyler Keith Richards
So as sad as it is to think about do you think they should be starting to slow down or retire or just keep going until they die? Some bands say they want to keep going even when they are in wheelchairs. Would you still go to their shows if they were like that? Cher had quite a few farewell tours because she thought that she was getting to old and should retire but she realized she missed performing so much that she came back. In the end she said she quit because she would rather go out while she was still good and have people remember her like that than to quit because she was to old and nobody came anymore and have people remember her as some washed up old lady that can't perform worth anything.
I wish someone could build a time machine and take me to the 70s. Or maybe the good rock stars could all just go back to being 20 again and start over. Then they could play forever, and I could go to all of their shows before they get too old.
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