I think that a lot of the time when guys wear makeup for their shows people start saying that they must be gay or metro sexual and that they look like girls just because they don't know what else to say. When people act or dress differently people are very quick to judge. David bowie was called all sorts of things because people thought he must be gay and he was just way to weird! I admit he definitely looks different than almost everyone else but he is heterosexual and has been married twice both times to women.
Another person that a lot of people say is very androgynous is Bill Kaulitz.

Bill definitely doesn't have a style like David Bowie, but he still wears make-up and has long hair, so people assume that he must be gay. When really he isn't at all.
Why do people think that just because a guy wares makeup, has long hair, or just dresses differently that they must be gay or wish they were a girl? We don't know them and we really have no idea what they are like when people aren't taking pictures but I think it is interesting how people assume things purely based on looks.
I never thought either of them looked like a girl, and that their styles worked very nice with their personalities and their shows. What do you think?