I have tickets to Aerosmith on August 8th in Seattle and I am really really excited!!!! I also got tickets to go see Alice Cooper with one of my best friends in November and I am even more excited to see his concert even though I love them both.
I really like Tokio Hotel and I think I kinda stopped writing on here because I have more to say about them than I do about older rock bands like KISS and stuff, and I don't really think the guys from Tokio Hotel count as the type of rock stars this blog was about so I don't want to write about them on here a lot. But it is my blog so I guess I could make it about whoever I want. But I don't want the small amount of people who actually read this to get bored with a lot of Tokio Hotel stuff so I will try to write about other things too. Once school ends maybe I will write more too because I wont have that much to do.
As of today I like the band Cinema Bizarre, If you don't know them you should probably look them up, they are kinda cool. Mostly I just think the lead singer Strify is kinda hot. But I also really like their songs.
I am going to see rock of ages tomorrow. as anyone seen that movie? did you like it? A lot of people think its going to be either really good or really bad. I am excited to see it because of all the rock songs that I love but I am kind of scared that it will be bad, I wish they had actual rock stars playing the characters, that would be amazing! Then it would have to be good. I think it would be cool to see Rock of Ages when it was on broadway or off broadway (I dont know what the difference really is) when Dee Schnider was in it! thta would be awesome because it was real rockstars singing the songs, not just actors pretending to be rockstars. Did you even know Tom Cruise could sing? I had no idea.