On August 8th I saw the Aerosmith concert in Tacoma Dome. I thought the concert was amazing, although I probably would have thought they were amazing even if the concert was terrible just because I love them so much and the idea of seeing them live is so cool. They mostly sang their older more hard rock songs, but they also sang one new song, Legendary Child. The concert was way louder than any other concert I have been too. My favorite of the songs they played was Dream On, they did an amazing version of that song! Steven played piano and Joe played guitar standing on the piano, by the end of it Steven was jumping around on the piano singing the last notes and confetti was falling everywhere and smoke was spraying out around the piano. Steven Tyler has such a personality about him and it was funny just to watch him skipping and twirling around on stage, at one point in the show he took a pink feather boa from a girl in the audience and he wore it in his back pocket like a tail for the rest of the show. Steven had painted eyes on his shoulders as he did in the 70's and when he sang he liked to pick up his mic stand a lot and show the cameras that on the bottom of the stand he had painted the words lick me. Joe Perry was as cool as always and on one of his guitars you could see he had a picture of his wife on the front, I thought that was cute. Over all I thought the concert was really amazing and I would love to see Aerosmith again.